About the Journal

Molang: Journal Islamic Education is a peer-reviewed international journal published by the Faculty of Tarbiyah, Al-Khiarat Pamekasan Islamic Institute. This journal has been established since 2023 with the link https://ejournal.alkhairat.ac.id/index.php/MOLANG: Molang: Journal  Islamic Education and has changed links since 2024 to https://journal.al khairat.ac.id/index.php/molang/index. This journal publishes scientific research on Islamic education. The journal articles are published twice a year: in January and Agustus. Molang: Journal  Islamic Education is a leading journal in Islamic education institutions related to Islamic education. The journal promotes research and scholarly discussion on Islamic education within academic disciplines and institutions, focusing on the scholarly advancement of both formal and non-formal education. Topics can include the study of Islamic education in madrasah, pesantren, and Islamic education in higher education.

E-ISSN: 2985-5489