Prospect's Copyright

Licence & Procedure: The Shariah Economic and Financial Service Proceedings (E-JOURNAL) allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without limitation and enables him/her to retain the publishing rights without restriction. PROSPECT: Shariah Economic and Financial Devotion Procedure, CC-BY-NC or equivalent license as optimal permission for publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scientific work.

Developing strategies and prioritizing PROSPECTS: The Shariah Procedure for Economic and Financial Services recognizes that free access is better than high-value access, free access better than free access, and free access under CC-BY-NC or equivalent is better compared to free access with a more restrictive open license. We must what we can when we can. We must not delay the achievement of freedom to freedom, and we must not stop for free when we are free.
Creative Commons Works PROSPEKS: Shariah Economic and Financial Procedure is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. (

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